16 - Hank Pym shrinks down to microscopic size to take out the robots in Daredevil's brain!
Pretty cool stuff and another example of how Matt is part of the greater Marvel Universe, no longer exiled to its gritty shithole corner. Although it feels like he might be heading back to the feces-smeared area pretty soon with what Foggy fond in his desk drawer.
17 - Jobless, Matt reflects on his rocky past with Foggy Nelson and a battle with Stilt-Man.
Michael Allred drawing Daredevil is pretty fucking sweet and this tale is perfectly suited to his retro-style. Matt getting to see his dad using virtual reality was pretty cool.
18 - Foggy gets a case he needs Daredevil's help on and Matt needs a huge favor from Foggy.
I was in the dark about Matt's ex-wife but her being in his apartment and not the asylum seemed like a big deal. Someone powerful continues to mess with Matt's life. I'm guessing this is the next big story now that the Omega Drive storyline is over.
19 - Matt's life continues to disintegrate but now he knows who is responsible... or does he?
He sure knows who's responsible by the end of the issue. I can't express my newfound admiration for Mark Waid on this title. Also, Chris Samnee's art is really growing on me now that he's the regular artist.
20 - Coyote has Daredevil in his clutches and can't wait to explain his scheme to him. Meanwhile, Kirsten spills her guts on what she thinks is Daredevil's insanity...
This one had some crazy imagery in it. Waid has certainly dialed up the weirdness.
21 - Things get resolved with Coyote and The Spot. Foggy and Matt try to patch things up. And Kirsten goes to someone for help with Daredevil.
Waid and Samnee continue to tick all the right boxes for me. I thought the last issue had some crazy images but The Spot vs. Coyote had some Ditko-level craziness to it. I would not want to be Daredevil when the Superior Spider-Man shows up to settle his hash.
Closing Thoughts: Waid and Samnee are the team to beat on Daredevil. I'm not ready to say it's Hawkeye-good just yet but it's definitely heading in that direction. 4 out of 5 stars.
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