My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After being stricken by an uncurable disease, Mizuhara Reito goes into cryogenic statis until a cure is found. Five years later, he is awakened to find he is one of the last men on earth and billions of women want to mate with him to save the human race. Alas, Reito's heart belongs to Elisa, whom no one has heard from in three years...
I picked up the latest book in my manga self-eduction because the setup sounded a lot like Y: The Last Man, Vol. 1: Unmanned and wanted to see how another author handled it. It's appropriate that I used the word 'handled' because this book features tons of boobs. But I get ahead of myself.
Set a couple decades in the future, Earth is doing pretty good. Nobody has to work unless they want to and crime is a thing of the past. Then Reito goes to sleep and the whole world goes to shit. The man-killer virus wipes out all of the earth's male human population except for the handful that were in deep freeze at the time. Reito has his pick of the women once he wakes up but only wants Elisa. It's surprisingly sweet for a book that's almost wall to wall boobs.
Okay, that's an exaggeration but there are lot of heaving breasts, both clothed and fully exposed. It's not exactly a porny book but there's nudity and strong sexual content and I wouldn't let a teenage boy read it unless you want the pages stuck together. It's the manga equivalent of one of those softcore Skinemax movies.
Hundreds of women are running down the field toward Reito's goal post and he only wants Elisa. Will he be able to hold them off when even his handler, Suou Mira, wants to score the extra point? There are some gender roles twisted when Reito's having to fend off unwanted advances, including a nurse and a bodyguard who also want to mate with him.
I'm curious to where the series will go. Some seeds were planted that I think will bear interesting fruit in the future. The art is great, exaggerated boobs and all.
World's End Harm is one titilating read. I'm on board for the duration.
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