My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As Reito continues to search for a cure for the Man-Killer virus, he uncovers something startling. Patient 3 is revived from cryosleep and his handler has something interesting in store for him. Also, lots of boobs...
World's End Harem continues. The plot is rolling right along. Reito continues holding out on all the women gunning for him. Doi, Patient Three, might have a similarly hard road in store for him since it looks like he's to be on a reality show as women look to catch his seed. And Kyoji, the other man, seems to be having no problem adjusting to the new status quo as he bangs everything that comes near him.
As with the previous book, it's a hybrid of science fiction and Skinemax. Honestly, there are dirtier Game of Thrones episodes. Still, lots of nudity and strong sexual content. It's a dirty fun read. I have a feeling Reito is going to wind up banging his sister at some point but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
As with the last volume, there were plenty of hooks for future stories. There were also fewer boobs than in the last book, although my memory might be failing me. It's good that the series has a definite end because the concept could easily get stale after a few volumes.
World's End Harem continues to be an entertaining, titillating (get it?) read. Four out of five stars.
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