Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Black Hammer: Age of Doom part II

Black Hammer, Vol. 4: Age of Doom Part TwoBlack Hammer, Vol. 4: Age of Doom Part Two by Jeff Lemire
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When Spiral City pizza parlor waitress Lucy Weber gets an odd phone call, she finds herself face to face with a robot named Talky Walky and starts piecing together the mystery of the Black Hammer...

Here we are, the end of the Black Hammer. At the end of the previous volume, the gang learned the secret of The Farm and the Anti-God. Now, the Anti-God is on the horizon and Spiral City is a city without heroes. Can Lucy Weber put the gang back together in time to stop the Anti-God?

As usual, I dug the story and the art quite a bit and I've grown to love the Black Hammer cast, analogues though they may be. The ending was a little underwhelming, though. It made sense in the context of the series but felt a little rushed and anti-climactic. I think part of the appeal of Black Hammer is the same as Astro City: the universe feels like it's been around for decades and there are tons of old comics in a trunk someplace, waiting to be discovered. The ending makes me think the door is open for more Black Hammer in the future.

While the end of the journey may not have been what I was expecting, getting there was a lot of fun. 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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