Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga, Vol. 1 by Jiro Kuwata
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga collects six Batman stories written and illustrated by Jiro Kuwata.
During the Batman TV craze, DC authorized these Japanese Batman manga comics by Jiro Kuwata. This is a weird animal, feeling unlike most Batman comics but still recognizable as a Batman comic. It's not as different as a zebra is from a horse but the feel is a little odd.
The style is '60s manga, warts and all. I love the way Jiro Kuwata's Batman and Robin look. Apart from the '60s Batmobile, greatest of all Batmobiles, and the Batcave, everything else is different or absent. Gordon is an inspector rather than commissioner. Gotham must be in California in this iteration because there's a desert within reasonable driving distance. There's no Alfred, no Joker, no Catwoman, no Penguin, and no Riddler.
In these stories, Batman and Robin battle Lord Death Man, Dr. Faceless, Professor Gorilla, the Human Ball, Go Go The Magician, and a mutant. While Professor Gorilla and Go Go The Magician resemble Flash villains Gorilla Grodd and Weather Wizard, the others are all new. The Human Ball has as suit that lets him bounce like a ball, Lord Death Man cannot die, and Dr. Faceless has a disfigured face. The mutant has powerful psychic abilities.
The dynamic duo, particularly Batman, take a beating in this. Batman even gets shot a couple times. There's a higher than normal weirdness factor but Batman plays everything straight. Batman actually reminds me of how he's portrayed in the recent Scooby Doo comics rather than Adam West.
Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga, Vol. 1 is a different yet familiar take on Batman's 1960's adventures. Four out of five batarangs.
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