Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dagar the Invincible volume 1

Dagar the Invincible, Volume 1Dagar the Invincible, Volume 1 by Donald F. Glut
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When Scorpio's minions laid waste to Tulgonia, they made one mistake: THEY LET DAGAR LIVE!

I'm on a Gold Key kick lately and this was cheap so I grabbed it.

This omnibus collects Dagar The Invincible #1-9, published by Gold Key in the 1970s. Born out of the sword and sorcery craze brought upon by Conan, this is a collection of barbarian fantasy tales.

Donald Glut proves to be up to the task of serving up some pulpy swords and sorcery action. Dagar spends the first four issues tracking down Scorpio, the wizard whose minions killed everyone else in Tulgonia. Over the course of the nine stories, Dagar fights wizards, monsters, vampires, and even a werewolf, among other things.

It would be easy to dismiss Dagar as a Conan ripoff but the stories are strong and the art by Jesse Santos reminds me of Joe Kubert quite a bit. Dagar looks like he could tear someone's arms off. Santos' reptilian monsters tend to be my favorite and they were probably his as well given the amount of attention he put toward their knobby scaly hides.

Dagar the Invincible is a fun collection of barbarian stories from the height of the sword and sorcery comics craze. 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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