Sunday, April 3, 2022

Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway Vol. 1

Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway Vol. 1Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway Vol. 1 by Gerry Conway
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway Vol. 1 collects stories MAN-BAT #1, DETECTIVE COMICS #463, #464, #497-499, #502-504, BATMAN #295, #305, #306, #337, BATMAN FAMILY #17, WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #250, #269, BRAVE AND THE BOLD #158, #161, #171-174.

Gerry Conway is known to many as the man who killed Gwen Stacy in the pages of Spider-Man but he's also a damn good Batman writer. In this volume, he has Jim Aparo, Michael Golden, Steve Ditko, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Rich Buckler, and Don Newton, among others on art.

There is a wide variety of material here and it's not all up to the standards of Conway's later work. However, I loved the two clashes with the Black Spider as well as the "Who Killed Mlle. Marie" two-parter. The Brave and the Bold issue where he teams with Scalphunter is another favorite, despite the "time travel via hypnosis" plot device that seems to have been popular in the 1970s.

Conway's Batman is a down to earth detective, as at home tracking run of the mill drug dealers as he is battling the Joker. Not only is he not invincible or infallible, he takes a couple bullets in this one and is even laid out with a fireplace poker to the back of the head. This is also during the era where the Batcave and Wayne Manor have been abandoned in favor of the Wayne Foundation building and the secret headquarters beneath.

These aren't the best Gerry Conway Batman stories but they're still a fun read. 3 out of 5 stars.

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