Friday, April 8, 2016

Saga, Volume 1

Saga, Volume 1Saga, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Marko and Alana, soldiers from opposite sides of an interplanetary war, have a child together and go on the run. Hilarity and awesomeness ensue.

Yeah, I'm really late to the party on this but Saga is pretty fucking great. It's part space opera, part relationship drama, with lots of laughs and inventive aliens thrown into the mix. Tired of the same old aliens? How about aliens with TVs for heads, aliens with horns, aliens with wings, and humanoid alien spiders? There's also magic and spacecraft made out of wood.

The characters are quite relateable despite their alien origins. Who doesn't get stressed out taking care of a newborn? Even the foes are three dimensional and somewhat likeable. The Stalk and The Will weren't just asshole bounty hunters and were quite well rounded.

If the later volumes are as good as the first, Saga is going to go down as one of my favorite comic series of all time. 4.5 out of five stars.

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