Friday, August 28, 2020

Green Lantern / Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes

Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes (New Edition)Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes by Dennis O'Neil
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes collects Green Lantern #76-87, 89, and stories from The Flash #217-219 and 226.

The Denny O'Neil / Neal Adams run of Green Lantern / Green Arrow has been a blindspot in my comics reading for decades. After reading Space Traveling Heroes not too long ago, I decided to take the plunge.

This was really good stuff. Sure, Denny's as subtle as a claw hammer to the forehead as far as political messages are concerned but the guy knew how to write gripping comics. Over the course of this tome, the Emerald Duo tackle environmental issues, racism, cults, drug abuse, and a lot of other social problems we've solved since 1971. Ahem... anyway this is great stuff. Green Lantern and Green Arrow are repeatedly pitted against one another in a clash of philosophies. Speedy gets hooked on smack, John Stewart is introduced, and the guys go on a road trip across America with one of the Guardians of the Universe.

Neal Adams handles the art chores on this with an occasional assist from Dick Giordano or Berni Fucking Wrightson on inks. Any way you slice it, Neal Adams is still Neal Fucking Adams. His illustration-based style is as fresh today as it was almost 50 years ago. His portrayals of Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and Black Canary are the gold standard, still iconic decades later.

Green Lantern / Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes. Still great. Still iconic. Buy the mother fucker. 4.5 out of 5 power rings.

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