Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ragnarok Volume 2: The Lord of the Dead

Ragnarök, Vol. 2: The Lord of the DeadRagnarök, Vol. 2: The Lord of the Dead by Walter Simonson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Centuries after Ragnarok, the mostly dead corpse of Thor and his would-be assassin join forces to take on the Lord of the Dead!

Walt Simonson's post-apocalyptic epic continues. More metal ass shit from the master. Thor and Regn bond over killing thousands of Firestarters in what's left of Asgard and go to settle shit with Angantyr, Lord of the Dead.

Simonson is of Scandinavian descent and grew up on Norse myths and it shows in this. While he admittedly plays fast and loose with the mythology, the spirit is there and the spirit is wholesale destruction! Thor and Regn put a lot of enemies in the ground.

Simonson's art just gets better with age. He's equally good at drawing tender moments between Thor and Snowflake, city sized ships, fortresses, and monsters the size of skyscrapers. It's clearly a labor of love and not a monthly assembly line comic.

I'm not going to divulge any more of the plot than the cover gives away. Suffice to say, I'm glad I should have the third volume in my clutches tomorrow.

Ragnarok Volume 2: The Lord of the Dead is some great monster-killing, ass-kicking fantasy. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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