Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Woman Who Loved Life and Other Stories

The Woman Who Loved Life and Other StoriesThe Woman Who Loved Life and Other Stories by Johnny Craig
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Woman Who Loved Life and Other Stories contains 28 stories featuring work by Johnny Craig.

Johnny Craig isn't one of my favorite EC artists but he does draw a few of my favorite tales. This one is kind of a Johnny Craig junk drawer but I needed it for my growing EC library.

The stories in this collection lean heavy toward crime, though there are five or six horror tales and a couple westerns. Craig did inks on some, or collaborated on the art as FC Aljon with Al Feldstein. Feldstein, Gardner Fox, Richard Kraus, and Craig himself wrote the tales.

Craig's art doesn't really stand out to me compared to other EC artists but he still had some chops. I think he was at his best when he was drawing someone losing his or her shit after things go pear shaped. The two zombie stories and the Idol's Revenge were my favorite tales. The Wall wasn't bad either, a combination of several Edgar Allan Poe stories. I have to wonder if a woman did Craig wrong some time in the past considering how many of his stories feature double dealing women getting their comeuppance.

The Woman Who Loved Life and Other Stories is a mish mash of Johnny Craig stories but still worth a read. Three out of five double dealing dames.

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