Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Usagi Yojimbo: Homecoming

Usagi Yojimbo: HomecomingUsagi Yojimbo: Homecoming by Stan Sakai
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Usagi returns to his home province to find it's anything but peaceful under its calm veneer...

My wife grabbed this for me for our anniversary, just days after it came out. I'll keep her for another year at least.

Usagi Yojimbo: Homecoming collects issues Usagi Yojimbo #8-14, live and in color!

In this volume, Usagi returns to his home province and foils a couple plots by the bad guys. Usagi's loyalties are put to the test when he gets accosted for wearing the deceased Lord Mifune's mon, and again when other former warriors in service to Mifune look to get revenge on Lord Hikiji. Kenchi, Jotaro, and Mariko also make appearances.

The writing is as slick as always. Usagi has more internal turmoil than usual and Stan Sakai weaves a lesson into the text in the form of making Tatami mats. As usual, he makes it feel like part of the story and not "Hey, look at this research I need to shoehorn into this."

The art is superb and I have to say Usagi in color is growing on me. The addition of color would be a good reason for Sakai not to use as many textures in his drawings and give himself an easier time of things but he still goes balls to the wall the entire time.

Usagi Yojimbo: Homecoming shows that one of the best in the business is still one of the best in the business. Five out of five stars.

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