Friday, May 6, 2022

Sensory: Life on the Spectrum

Sensory: Life on the SpectrumSensory: Life on the Spectrum by Schnumn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So I contribute to a lot of kickstarters for comics, most of which wind up being average or even disappointing. As fate should have it, this one popped up on Kickstarter a couple days after our pediatrician advised us to get Miles tested for Autism.

In the time between getting this in the mail and finally reading it, Miles was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He's also hyperlexic and hyper numeric. He can count to 1000 and reads as well as a seven year old, pretty amazing since he's not yet three.

Anyway, I'm glad I got this. It's a collection of stories about Autism by 40 comic creators with Autism. The stories are typically about day to day life with Autism. The stories are personal and unflinching, making this a powerful little book.

The art styles are diverse, ranging from cutesy to manga inspired to manga inspired cutesy and various other points on the comic style map. Getting the day to day accounts of people with Autism gave me a little more insight into my son's current behaviors and what he might do when he gets older. See, Mom, comics are more than super heroes punching each other!

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