The Mundane Adventures of Dishman by John MacLeod
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After spending years unknowingly eating off of radioactive dinnerware, Paul Mahler becomes... Dishman!
I vaguely remembered reading about this in the Mile High catalog decades ago when Eclipse reprinted it. When Blackeye reprinted it last year, I finally gave it a shot.
As a kid, I would have thought Dishman has the lamest super power - instantly cleaning dishes and teleporting them into the cupboard. As an adult who seems to be constantly doing dishes and laundry, I see the utility in it.
Anyway, this collects all ten Dishman minicomics plus three stories that were printed elsewhere. When Paul discovers his super power, he struggles to juggle crime fighting with his everyday life of teaching high school. How do you find crimes anyway?
This book is hilarious. Paul is a regular dude and struggles the way most of us would if we suddenly had a mundane super power. He mostly winds up walking around and talking to people and being made sport of by various bystanders. He has a good heart, though, which makes his fiancee seem like a terrible person.
I can't get over how good this book is, both the writing and the art. Hard to believe it was a minicomic and not put out by a bigger company. I'd gladly read another three or four volumes of Dishman stories but sadly this is all there is.
Five out of five stars.
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