Monday, February 21, 2022

50 Girls 50

50 Girls 50 and Other Stories50 Girls 50 and Other Stories by Al Williamson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

50 Girls 50 contains 34 stories, most of which feature art by Al Williamson.

Here it, my white whale. I watched and waited for several years to score a copy of this in my cheapness zone. Finding this for a decent price was like Roland finally catching up to the Man in Black in Dark Tower: The Gunslinger. Finding out it was being reprinted soon the day after it shipped was like when spoiler spoilered the spoiler in the final Dark Tower book.

Anyway, this is some good shit. The stories, written by the usual EC writers plus Ray Bradbury, are mostly science fiction but there are some crime and horror stories in the mix. I'd only read a couple of these stories in my late 1980s EC reprints so most of it was new to me.

Al Williamson can draw like a mother fucker. The hyper detailed art, coupled with frequent use of duoshade, zipatone, and other screens and tints had to make the art a nightmare to reproduce with 1950s printing technology. I'm slightly curious to see how some of the stories look with color. I have to think some of the fine detail would be lost.

Williamson draws cavemen, aliens, monsters, giant apes, rockets, beautiful women, and future tech with great skill. No wonder he was tapped for Flash Gordon and the Star Wars newspaper strip later in his career.

It's hard for me to pick favorites in this one. The Aliens, with it's comic within a comic structure, is a frontrunner. The Arrival, Sound of Thunder, and 50 Girls 50, the titular tale, are also at the top of the list.

I waited a long time for 50 Girls 50 and it was well worth the wait. 4 out of 5 stars.

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