Monday, March 14, 2022

Power Girl: Power Trip

Power Girl: Power TripPower Girl: Power Trip by Jimmy Palmiotti
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Power Girl: Power Trip collects JSA Classified 1-4 and Power Girl 1-12.

This has been out of print for ages and I thought I got a good deal on it from Amazon. Well, someone got a good deal and it wasn't me. This is an ex-library book for one thing and for another it looks like someone read it out in the rain without an umbrella. Water damaged as hell.

Anyway, Power Girl: Power Trip is a fun book. Amanda Conner's Power Girl is cute and bouncy but not ridiculously so. Gray and Palmiotti wrote a love letter to both Power Girl and her convoluted place in the DC Universe. Old favorites like Psycho Pirate and the Ultra Humanite make appearances, as well as lesser known characters like the current version of Terra and Vartox, a Sean Connery from Zardoz ripoff from the 1970s.

I wasn't crazy about all of it, though. There's a cringey explanation of Power Girl's boob window that isn't "guys like to look at boobs" and an attempt to give the Ultra Humanite a sympathetic origin. Some times bad guys are just shit heads.

Given how convoluted Power Girl's origin has become over the years, the book is surprisingly accessible. Power Girl is trying to figure out her place in the world and Terra and the readers are along for the ride. A lot of humor comics wear thin after a while but I thought the jokes landed very well in this. DC could easily make Power Girl a more humor oriented character ala Byrne's She-Hulk if they wanted to devote more resources to her. They won't because she's not part of the Bat-Family but the potential is there.

Aside from the ridiculous condition of my copy, I enjoyed this very much. Power Girl: Power Trip is hilarious and the most accessible DC book this side of Scooby-Doo Team-Up. Four out of five boob windows.

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