Sunday, March 20, 2022

Not All Robots

Not All RobotsNot All Robots by Mark Russell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When the earth fell into ruins and the humans put robots in charge, everything seemed fine. But what will the robots do when they're replaced by newer models and they're suddenly declared obsolete?

Mark Russell is always good for a cynical, depressing, thought provoking good time so I grabbed this as soon as I could. Mike Deodato Jr and a copious amount of robots were just icing on the cake.

When power and status is your bread and butter, what happens when you're in danger of losing it? That's the question Mark Russell poses in this book.

Deodato's art is fantastic in this. He's hit or miss for me but this one is definitely a hit. Russell, as always, knows how to depress as well as amuse. He explores real world issues like toxic masculinity, obsolescence, automation eliminating jobs, environmental collapse, and unrestrained capitalism, through the lens of a robot uprising.

I'm not sure how much more to reveal. The ending was both a good stopping point and a tantalizing glimpse of the next volume. Things are getting darker but also more hopeful.

Not All Robots is a chilling, thought provoking, depressing good time, like most of Mark Russell's work. Five out of five robots.

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