My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The New Teen Titans, Vol. 1 collects DC Comics Presents #26 plus New Teen Titans #1-8.
I lowballed a stack of graphic novels on Shopgoodwill and won it. Most of the stack was stuff I'm not interested in but this was among the ones I wanted to read. I'd thought I'd read most of these early Teen Titans issues before but I must not have because I didn't remember a damn thing.
Anyway, this mostly covers the formation of the New Titan Titans at the impetus of Raven (and Marv Wolfman) all the way up to the fight with Trigon and the aftermath. People compared this to the X-Men at the time but it feels more like the Kirby and Lee run of the Fantastic Four to me. Lots of bickering, cosmic scope threats, jokes, and more bickering.
For a straight up Bronze Age super hero comic, they don't get much better than this. Wolfman knows how to escalate things but still have largely self contained issues. George Fucking Perez and Romeo Tanghal handle the artwork on most of the issues so you know that shit is good.
While the cosmic issues involving Trigon were good, the day in the life issue at the end was my favorite by far. It explored the Titans as people rather than super heroes and did a lot to flesh out the characters.
Four Bronze Age stars.
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